JCH-Group, LLC


For Unsecured Funding ($25k to $150,000 or more***)


  1. Fill out this Application.
  2. Go to www.experian.com (use “Google Chrome” IF YOU CAN) and click on “Sign up for Free”, (call back & cancel later) fill-out, sign-in, choose their report without upgrades, choose “Reports & Scores”, then “Credit Reports”, choose “Print Report”,  Right click in a white-blank space Choose “Print”, Then “Save to pdf”, select “Save”, rename file (could be “My Credit Report”).  Obtaining your own report won’t impact your credit rating. 
  3.  E-mail this application to Jim@ECCfunding.com  and jpalermo3@jch-group.com, and  e-mail (attach pdf file) all pages of your credit report (same e-mail addresses). We’ll get it to our certified underwriters for your projections.

That’s it, --but if you feel you’d like to express more details to further our understanding of your business please do so.



*** To receive additional funds (up to $400k), with a rapid funding Personal Term Loan, also send the last 30-days’ worth of Personal Pay-stubs from a job (W-2) you, or your credit partner, has had for at least the last 12 months (Must reflect consistent monthly income of at least $5,000/mo.)